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An all in one library that centralizes multiple algorithms for encoding, encrypting and hashing in one place to be used anywhere in the code.

Open Sourced And Maintained By Sangeeth Nandakumar
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An all in one library that centralizes multiple algorithms for encoding, encrypting and hashing in one place to be used anywhere in your code.

Note Starting from version v2.0+ and above, This is the official documentation. For older versions, Refer old documentation here


Twileloop.Security is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

This library is absolutely free. If it gives you a smile, A small coffee would be a great way to support my work. Thank you for considering it!

"Buy Me A Coffee"

1. Install Package

dotnet add package Twileloop.Security

Supported Algorithms

Encoding Algorithms
✅ UTF-8
✅ Base64
✅ Hex
✅ Binary
Encryption Algorithms
Hashing Algorithms
✅ MD5
✅ SHA1
✅ SHA256
✅ SHA3
✅ Blake2
✅ BCrypt
✅ Argon2

2. Encode/Decode Text

Encode or decode text in multiple supported formats

    //Encoding Algorithms

    //1. ASCII
    var data1 = ASCIIEncoder.Encode("English");
    var data2 = ASCIIEncoder.Decode(data1);
    //2. UTF-8
    var data3 = UTF8Encoder.Encode("മലയാളം");
    var data4 = UTF8Encoder.Decode(data3);
    //3. Base64
    var data5 = Base64Encoder.Encode("मैं तुमसे प्यार करता हूँ");
    var data6 = Base64Encoder.Decode(data5);
    //4. Hex
    var data7 = HexEncoder.Encode("أنا ذاهب");
    var data8 = HexEncoder.Decode(data7);
    //5. Binary
    var data9 = BinaryEncoder.Encode("நான் உன்னை அன்புக்குரியேன்");
    var data10 = BinaryEncoder.Decode(data9);

3. Encrypt/Decrypt Text or File

Encrypt or decrypt text or files in multiple supported formats.

Encrypt as Bytes, String, or even File


  var text = "Sangeeth Nandakumar";
  var textAsBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text);

   //1 - AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
   //Raw Bytes
   var aesEncryptedBytes = AESAlgorithm.EncryptBytes(textAsBytes, key: "1234", iv: "1234567890123456");
   var aesDecryptedBytes = AESAlgorithm.DecryptBytes(aesEncryptedBytes, key: "1234", iv: "1234567890123456");
   var aesEncryptedString = AESAlgorithm.EncryptText("Twileloop", key: "1234", iv: "1234567890123456");
   var aesDecryptedString = AESAlgorithm.DecryptText(aesEncryptedString, key: "1234", iv: "1234567890123456");
   AESAlgorithm.EncryptFile(@"D:\data.txt", @"D:\data_aes_encrypted.aes", key: "1234", iv: "1234567890123456");
   AESAlgorithm.DecryptFile(@"D:\data_aes_encrypted.aes", @"D:\data_aes_decrypted.txt", key: "1234", iv: "1234567890123456");


  var text = "Sangeeth Nandakumar";
  var textAsBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text);

  //2 - RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman)
  RSAAlgorithm.MakeRSAKeyPairs(out RSAParameters publicKey, out RSAParameters privateKey);
  //Raw Bytes
  var rsaEncryptedBytes = RSAAlgorithm.EncryptBytes(textAsBytes, publicKey);
  var rsaDecryptedBytes = RSAAlgorithm.DecryptBytes(rsaEncryptedBytes, privateKey);
  var rsaEncryptedText = RSAAlgorithm.EncryptText("Twileloop", publicKey);
  var rsaDecryptedText = RSAAlgorithm.DecryptText(rsaEncryptedText, privateKey);
  RSAAlgorithm.EncryptFile(@"D:\data.txt", @"D:\data_rsa_encrypted.rsa", publicKey);
  RSAAlgorithm.DecryptFile(@"D:\data_rsa_encrypted.rsa", @"D:\data_rsa_decrypted.txt", privateKey);

4. Hash Text

Hash text in multiple supported formats

    // Hashing Algorithms

    //1 - MD5
    var hash1 = MD5Algorithm.Hash("Sangeeth Nandakumar");
    //2 - SHA1
    var hash2 = SHAAlgorithm.HashUsingSHA1("Sangeeth Nandakumar");
    //3 - SHA256 
    var hash3 = SHAAlgorithm.HashUsingSHA256("Sangeeth Nandakumar");
    //4 - SHA3 
    var hash4 = SHAAlgorithm.HashUsingSHA3("Sangeeth Nandakumar");
    //5 - Blake2 
    var hash5 = Blake2DigestAlgorithm.Hash("Sangeeth Nandakumar");
    //6 - BCrypt 
    var hash7 = BCryptAlgorithm.Hash("Sangeeth Nandakumar", workFactor: 11);
    //7 - Argon2
    var hash8 = Argon2Algorithm.Hash("Sangeeth Nandakumar", byteSize: 32, iterations: 1, memorySizeKB: 4096, degreeOfParallelism: 1);