An easy to use utility to easily convert timezones from any timezones, countries, offsets, short and long names etc.. while leveraging the powerfull NodaTime and globaliazation in the background.
A lightweight and ready-made implementation of unit of work pattern + NoSQL database. Twileloop.UOW is a package that ships a plug and play model predefined repository, unit of work pattern on top of 2 popular NoSQL databases. There are 2 varients of Twileloop.UOW for LiteDB and MongoDB support
A cross format spreadsheet accessor that empowers you to effortlessly read, write, copy, and move data across popular spreadsheet formats like Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel.
An all in one library that centralizes multiple algorithms for encoding, encrypting and hashing in one place to be used anywhere in the code.
A reactive event based state management framework that centralises application state and give callbacks on state updates across application.
A lightweight and ready-made implementation of file persistence for storing your app data or files.
Helps configuring AzureAD B2C by simplifying integration and giving a ready to use template
Compiletime validation of your appsettings.json using any custom fluent validators
Twileloop.SST is a lightweight implementation of a single-source-of-truth concept.
Selenium Web Scrapper