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A cross format spreadsheet accessor that empowers you to effortlessly read, write, copy, and move data across popular spreadsheet formats like Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel.

Open Sourced And Maintained By Sangeeth Nandakumar
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Twileloop.SpreadSheet Documentation


One Code –> Export to Excel and/or Google Sheets effortlessly.

With more driver additions, More and more spreadsheet kinds can be supported later


To get started, install the core package and the driver package(s) for the spreadsheet formats you want to use.

1. Install the Core Package

dotnet add package Twileloop.SpreadSheet

2. Install Driver Packages (1 or More)

Install the driver(s) for the formats you plan to use:

Driver Format Install Command
Google Sheets Logo Google Sheets dotnet add package Twileloop.SpreadSheet.GoogleSheet
Microsoft Excel Logo Microsoft Excel dotnet add package Twileloop.SpreadSheet.MicrosoftExcel

Getting Started

1. Initialize Drivers

Start by initializing the drivers for the spreadsheet formats you want to work with.

using Twileloop.SpreadSheet.GoogleSheet;
using Twileloop.SpreadSheet.MicrosoftExcel;

// Initialize Microsoft Excel Driver
var excelDriver = new MicrosoftExcelDriver(new MicrosoftExcelOptions(filePath));

// Initialize Google Sheets Driver
var googleSheet = new GoogleSheetDriver(new GoogleSheetOptions(
    sheetsURI: new Uri(""),
    sheetName: "MySheet",
    jsonCredentialContent: File.ReadAllText("secrets.json"),
    bulkUpdate: false

Note for Google Sheets:

  • Create a service account in Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
  • Download the secrets.json credentials file from the GCP console.
  • Enable the Google Sheets API in your GCP console.
  • Share your Google Sheet with the service account’s email and assign it as an “Editor” for write permissions.

For GoogleSheetDriver, Setting bulkUpdate to true, Makes Writes To GoogleSheets Faster, But This Is Now Expirimental

bulkUpdate: false


bulkUpdate: true

image —

2. Create an Adapter

Once the drivers are initialized, create an adapter to interact with the spreadsheet.

using Twileloop.SpreadSheet.Factory;

// Create adapters for Excel and Google Sheets
ISpreadSheetAdapter excelAdapter = SpreadSheetFactory.CreateAdapter(excelDriver);
ISpreadSheetAdapter gsheetAdapter = SpreadSheetFactory.CreateAdapter(googleSheet);

3. Initialize the Workbook

Before performing any operations, initialize the workbook.

adapter.Controller.InitialiseWorkbook(); //Mandatory step

4. Create and Open Sheets

You can create new sheets and open them for reading or writing. Remember, You must open a sheet to do any operations

Once a sheet is opened all below commands execute in that opened sheet. If you’re dealing with multiple sheets, Call adapter.Controller.OpenSheet("B"); again as needed whenever you need to change sheet and rest of code need to execute in new sheet

// Create a new sheet
adapter.Controller.CreateSheets("A"); //Optional, If creating a new spreadsheet

// Open a sheet
adapter.Controller.OpenSheet("A"); //Mandatory



5. Writing Data

You can write data to cells, rows, columns, or tables.

You can use "A1" notation to address a cell or (row, col) notation as well. Both works on your convenience on most functions

Write Individual Cells

Use below if you need to tweek specific cells or write to few cells. For a list of data either use WriteRow or WriteColumn as they’re bulk writes and more efficient than WriteCell

adapter.Writer.WriteCell("A1", "Write");  //Address notation based access
adapter.Writer.WriteCell((1, 2), "Individual"); //(row, col) notation based access, This is not an index and starts with 1 not 0
adapter.Writer.WriteCell("C1", "Cells");

Write Rows

Use below if you need to write rows or cols in one go. For a bigger set of data, preprare your data into a DataTable & use WriteTable instead as it’s more efficient then WriteRow or WriteColumn

adapter.Writer.WriteRow("A3", new[] { "Col 1", "Col 2", "Col 3", "Col 4" });

You can also pass a style if needed

var myStyle = new StyleBuilder()
    .WithTextAllignment(HorizontalTxtAlignment.CENTER, VerticalTxtAlignment.BOTTOM)

adapter.Writer.WriteRow("A3", new[] { "Col 1", "Col 2", "Col 3", "Col 4" }, myStyle);

Write Columns

Passing style is optional, You can simply avoid passing it if focusing only on data

adapter.Writer.WriteColumn("A7", new[] { "Row 1", "Row 2", "Row 3", "Row 4" }, myStyle);

Write Tables

If you need to write huge dataset, The best way is to convert your data into a .NETs built in DataTable and write. This is much more efficient than writing cell by cell or row/col wise

var table = new DataTable();
table.Rows.Add(1, "John Doe", 28, "New York", 55000);

adapter.Writer.WriteTable("A12", table, myStyle);

6. Formatting and Styling

Apply styles to cells, rows, columns, or tables.

Create Styles

var headingStyle = new StyleBuilder()
    .WithTextAllignment(HorizontalTxtAlignment.LEFT, VerticalTxtAlignment.TOP)

Apply Styles

Here A1 to E1 is a grid selection rectanglular area where this style applies.

adapter.Writer.ApplyStyling("A1", "E1", headingStyle);

Apply Borders

Here A12 to E21 is a grid selection rectanglular area where this border applies. (Outer border)

adapter.Writer.ApplyBorder("A12", "E21", new BorderStyling
    TopBorder = true,
    LeftBorder = true,
    RightBorder = true,
    BottomBorder = true,
    BorderType = BorderType.SOLID,
    BorderColor = Color.OrangeRed,
    Thickness = BorderThickness.Thick

7. Resizing Rows and Columns

Adjust the size of rows and columns.

// Resize a row
adapter.Writer.ResizeRow("A1", 50);

// Resize a column
adapter.Writer.ResizeColumn("A1", 40);

8. Saving the Workbook

After making changes, save the workbook.
