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An easy to use utility wrapper around NodaTime to easily convert timezones from any timezones, countries, offsets, short and long names etc.. while leveraging the powerfull NodaTime and globaliazation.

Open Sourced And Maintained By Sangeeth Nandakumar
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An easy to use utility to easily convert timezones from any timezones, countries, offsets, short and long names etc.. while leveraging the powerfull NodaTime and globaliazation in the background.

Note Starting from version v2.0+ and above, This is the official documentation. For older versions, Refer old documentation here


Twileloop.Timezone is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

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1. Install Package

dotnet add package Twileloop.Timezone

Supported Features

Status From 🡺 To
✅ UTC timezone 🡺 System timezone
✅ UTC timezone 🡺 Custom timezone
✅ Custom timezone 🡺 UTC timezone
✅ Custom timezone 🡺 Custom timezone
✅ Timezone Abbreviation 🡺 Timezone Id
✅ Timezone Id 🡺 Timezone Abbreviation
✅ Timezone Id 🡺 Country ISO Codes (Under that timezone)
✅ Country ISO Code 🡺 Timezone Ids (Under that country)
✅ Country Name 🡺 Country ISO Code
✅ Country ISO Code 🡺 Country Name

2. System timezone 🡺 UTC timezone

//System timezone 🡺 UTC timezone
var utcTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

3. UTC timezone 🡺 System timezone

//UTC timezone 🡺 System timezone
var mySystemTime = utcTime.UtcToSystemTimezone();

4. UTC timezone 🡺 Custom timezone

//UTC timezone 🡺 Custom timezone
var japanTime = utcTime.UtcToCustomTimezone("Asia/Tokyo");

5. Custom timezone 🡺 UTC timezone

//Custom timezone 🡺 UTC timezone
var japanTimeInUtc = japanTime.CustomTimezoneToUtc("Asia/Tokyo");

6. Custom timezone 🡺 Custom timezone

//Custom timezone 🡺 Custom timezone
var indianTime = japanTime.MigrateToTimezone("Asia/Tokyo", "Asia/Kolkata");

7. Timezone Abbreviation 🡺 Timezone Id

// Timezone Abbreviation 🡺 Timezone Id
var abbreviation = "IST";
var (displayName, timeZoneIds) = TimezoneHelper.AbbreviationToTimezone(abbreviation);

Console.WriteLine($"Abbreviation: {abbreviation}");
Console.WriteLine($"Full Display Name: {displayName}");
Console.WriteLine("Time Zone Identifiers:");

foreach (var timeZoneIda in timeZoneIds)

8. Timezone Id 🡺 Timezone Abbreviation

// Timezone Id 🡺 Timezone Abbreviation
var timeZoneId = "Asia/Kolkata";
var (zoneAbbreviation, zoneDisplayName) = TimezoneHelper.TimezoneToAbbreviation(timeZoneId);

Console.WriteLine($"Time Zone Identifier: {timeZoneId}");
Console.WriteLine($"Abbreviation: {zoneAbbreviation}");
Console.WriteLine($"Full Display Name: {zoneDisplayName}");

9. Timezone Id 🡺 Countries Under Timezone

// Timezone Id 🡺 Country Codes
string timezone = "America/New_York";
List<(string CountryCode, string CountryName)> countriesUnderTimezone  = TimezoneHelper.GetCountriesUnderTimezone(timezone);

Console.WriteLine($"Countries under timezone '{timezone}':");
foreach (var country in countriesUnderTimezone)
    Console.WriteLine($"{country.CountryCode} | {country.CountryName}");

10. Country ISO Code 🡺 Timezones Under Country

// Country Code 🡺 Timezones
string countryCode = "US";
List<string> timezones = TimezoneHelper.GetTimezonesUnderCountry(countryCode);
Console.WriteLine($"Timezones under country '{countryCode}':");
foreach (string tz in timezones)

11. Country Name 🡺 Country ISO Code

// Country Name 🡺 Country Code
string countryName = "United States";
string isoCountryCode = TimezoneHelper.CountryNameToAbbreviation(countryName);
Console.WriteLine($"Country name '{countryName}' has the abbreviation: {isoCountryCode}");

12. Country ISO Code 🡺 Country Names

// Country Code 🡺 Country Name 
string isoCode = "US";
string fullCountryName = TimezoneHelper.AbbreviationToCountryName(isoCode);
Console.WriteLine($"Abbreviation '{isoCode}' corresponds to the country: {fullCountryName}");

13. Timezones Sharing Same Offset (In Minuits)

//Find timezones sharing same offset (+5:30 is 330 mins)
var timezonesSharingSameOffset = TimezoneHelper.OffsetToTimezones(330);
timezonesSharingSameOffset.ForEach(timeZone =>

14. All Timezones

//Get all timezones
var allTimezones = TimezoneHelper.GetAllTimezones();
allTimezones.ForEach(timeZone =>

15. All Countries

//Get all countries
List<(string CountryCode, string CountryName)> allCountries = TimezoneHelper.GetAllCountries();
allCountries.ForEach(country =>
    Console.WriteLine($"{country.CountryCode} | {country.CountryName}");